values & mindfulNESS-based

mental performance consulting

Develop your mental performance edge

Traverse your path to success while making impactful change that lasts

Work with Dr. Taylor Casey

  • Values-Based Action

    Take action-steps toward your performance goals that align with your core values.

  • Mindful Perspective

    Develop the ability to have present moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance.

  • Forging a Career Path

    Whether you are seeking career exploration, preparation, or change, let’s discuss options and resources.

Dr. Taylor B. Casey

Performance Psychology Consulant

Hello and Welcome! I am eager to connect and partner with you to develop your mental performance edge!

I am Dr. Taylor B. Casey, a non-clinical performance psychology consultant. I have been providing sport and performance psychology consulting services to a diverse population of performers for 9 years, through in-person and remote delivery.

I specialize in taking a values and mindful-based approach to help clients learn and utilize various mental skills, tailored to their specific need/interest. My areas of expertise include focus/concentration, goal setting and evaluation, time management, communication skills, leadership, and stress management. Additionally, my research emphasis area is the quiet eye, an attentional focus technique, on performance self-efficacy, self-regulated learning, and mindfulness.

Regardless of the performance “edge” that has brought you to seeking mental performance consulting, whether you have reached a low point in your career or are seeking to gain an advantage over competition, I hope to partner with you as you traverse your path to success while making impactful change that lasts.

performance Psychology consulting

develop your mental performance edge

Training the most important muscle of the body, your mind, is important for performance success. Whether an athlete or performer, active or retired military, or a business professional, an aspect of your everyday performance has an important mental component. Our mind is just like the rest of our body’s physical muscles, it has to be trained in order to perform optimally. Learning and utilizing various mental skills tailored to your specific interest/need can enhance your performance, and overall well-being.


Grow together and empower each other as a team through group sessions or workshops, aimed to stretch and push one another to be their best selves while contributing to common goals.

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Explore your performance interests and concerns in a safe, and productive, space through individual sessions geared toward engaging in personal growth and development.

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Mentorship opportunities

Students & early professionals

Whether a collegiate student seeking interest in the field of sport, exercise, and performance psychology or an early professional eager to gain practical experiences, I want to be a resource to help guide you on your path. The field of performance psychology is a growing and unique profession; therefore, learning from a diverse array of those in the the specialty can aid in your development by broadening your perspective. I would not have gotten to where I am without amazing mentors along the way and hope to do the same for future generations.

“As long as you've done your best, making mistakes doesn't matter. You and I are human; we will mess up. What counts is learning from your mistakes and getting back up when life has knocked you down.”

- Shawn Johnson

If you're willing to put yourself and your dreams on the line, at the very least you'll discover an inner strength you may not have known existed.”

- Kurt Warner

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.”

- Edmund Hillary